Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This all came about after becoming a new parent and then observing a particular family week in an week out. They weren't high-profile or anything, just your average American family but there was grounding there. Their teenagers were solid. Solid teenagers? Yup. Solid teenagers. Their friendships with each other seemed intact and thriving. All of them pursuing their passions individually and supporting each other collectively. I found myself wondering...What is it? What do they know that I NEED to know? What's going on in their home that has contributed to their family dynamic? After questioning for a while in my own mind, I decided to skip out of my head and into theirs. When I got to thinking there were many families that stood out in addition to this one and I wanted to know trade secrets as well. So more emails ensued and responses started coming in.

I had my experience with the so-called parenting experts. I read every single parenting book imaginable. We're talking from hardcore, never put-your-baby-down attachment parenting philosophy to the opposite end of the spectrum DO NOT let your baby get off their schedule or you have doomed them forever and by the way, when they are crying they are manipulating you so just let them deal philosophy. I stopped listening to my own mother gut, doubted my husband's and was paralyzed by my fear of acting and screwing up my child...permanently. I did learn some valuable things, but the biggest thing I learned was, "Kristin, put the books down. Trust yourself." And so I did. just. that.

Now 11 months later I am realizing the real experience and knowledge is from those who have been in the throws of parenting and done their time in the trenches. Gotten their hands dirty, their couches destroyed, their hearts opened. I wanted to know what THEY did. Don't get me wrong, their is a place for the expert opinion, but a little goes a long way. After reading these various trench responses I feel more empowered less paralyzed. Free to act and make mistakes, experience and build my own story. More comfortable in my own skin and more faith in my innate abilities. None of these people started out with 25 years of parenting experience. They built it over time through trial and error. Living and doing. Feeling and being.

Welcome to the Profiles of Parenting featuring your everyday Joe's and Josette's from the trenches who live to tell about it! With a new profile every Friday, I hope you'll enjoy the down and dirty authentic responses from others.

First Up: Mr. Leland White


1 comment:

  1. LOVE this idea! Can't wait to read them and get little bits of wisdom I can hopefully incorporate into my own life.
