Thursday, September 24, 2009

Most people come to see me at a point of crisis, that's not a good or bad thing it's just an "is" thing meaning it is what it is. But what's important to recognize is it may be the short term crisis that ultimately takes you to therapy but it's the long term, underlying problems and patterns that continue to create the short-term crisis'. When you go to therapy, you will at some point reach a point where you wonder what you will talk about at your next session, you have pulled out of the crisis and you are back to a feel good point. Don't get lured into the pattern of thinking it's solved...the reality is it's your pattern. And like all patterns in life they ebb and flow, things get good for a while then they crash again. So when you reach that point of thinking you are good and should maybe stop therapy, consider reducing your frequency but KEEP GOING so you and your therapist can work through and see your patterns over the long haul. That way when you really are to a point to end therapy you have made significant LONG term changes in your LONG term patterns which will reduce and change your short term crisis'.

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