Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Life In a List

Life in a list is brought to you by a busy week, a mom working at the ED all weekend, managing a private practice and dealing with insurance (oh insurance planning her son's first birthday, trying to keep any semblance of a clean home, a husband who is working his little professional brains out and great fall weather. Oh and the letter S.

* We've been swimming, this time was much better since the wee one only cried half of the time.

* We've been hitting the Gym, the Little Gym that is. It was a big hit, we'll definitely be going back.

* What's up with the new trend in books...reality books. Saw a new title, "My life as an experiment", Eat, Pray, Love was a writer who was commissioned to write about her traveling experiences...more on this later.

* It's birthday time. Definitely going a little far on this but a) I love birthday's and think they should be MORE than celebrated b) I love to "plan" an event, and c) gives me another thing to channel my energy towards.

* I've been summoned for Jury Duty all next week. I keep thinking that I am going to be a part of some high profile case. Mr. Man keeps reminding me there's not much high profile going on in West Jordan. True.

* Been watching The Biggest Loser? That Tracy is a piece of work! All I keep thinking the whole show is that girl has some serious issues probably of the Axis II kind. Her "surprise eyes" don't help her sane cause out much.

* They announced the next Bachelor. Drum roll OR pull out your vomit bag--it's Jake. Cheesy, Golly Gee Jake from season Jillian. Really? Really.

* My hair is finally figuring itself out rather I'm figuring it out. Pregnancy is tough on the curls.

* I miss Kim. She and her fam have been living in the land of Sun for a week now. The phone just doesn't cut it.

* Reading probably one of the most inspirational books that I have read in a long time: Being a Leader. I know the title is blah, but it's a leadership classic written in the 70's.

* Going to a "Rebirthing" next week. Interested? Stay tuned.

And that's my life in a list. Ciao for now.


1 comment:

  1. oh man. Tracey is horrible. There is so much eye rolling going on over here it's sick.

    Can't wait for the big birthday bash. I'm super duper excited.

    Bachelor. I think I'm going to have to pass on this season. Jake is a snoozefest!

    And jury duty? Man, that sucks. If you get picked, I would love to watch the little man for ya.

    k--I think that is all.
