In a quick nutshell: Prop one is a request for a multimillion bond to create a city emergency evacuation site and plans to strengthen our emergency vulnerability. The Social Worker Mrs (aka-Me) : I initially thought it sounded great. We absolutely need an emergency "city center", called the Mr. and told him thinking I had beat him to the political punch and I would be educating HIM for a change. The conversation went a little something like this, "I would like you to know I am voting for Prop 1 and would encourage you to do the same...."
The City Planning/Business Minded Mr: "What?! You are? The prop is basically a multimillion dollar blank check. They haven't even conducted an initial feasibility study. I'm all for an emergency plan but they don't even have a plan yet. Who knows where that money will go"
The Social Worker Mrs.: "Huh, hadn't seen the planning/business side of that coin, just the community benefit side."
And that is how it came to be: The Mr. politically beat out the Mrs. once again and off to the polls we will go. To all of you: I am NOT voting for Utah's Prop 1 and would encourage you to do the same.
(Note: This picture is about 3 years ago...we look so little!)